Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Baby Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student

Sure, every parent considers their child to be advanced, but seriously folks, Paisley is operating at a whole ‘nother level.

Like just yesterday she rolled over onto her back from her tummy with nary a nudge from her daddy.

What’s that you say? Big deal?

Well did you know that babies aren’t even supposed to do that until they’re like 4 months old?

Still not impressed? Well after she rolled over, she sat up and asked her mom for her boob.

And I’m not talking about whining and grunting which most babies are reduced to these days.

Seriously, she pointed her stubby little finger at Melissa’s rack and demanded: “Mom! Boob!"

Yea, it totally caught us off guard because up until that point, Paisley only communicated with us and Moby telepathically.

Ha ha, I know; its quite a thing to watch your daughter debate tax policy with your pug while she's calibrating your home theater system.

Click for the new set of pics!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bad Influence

C'mon Melissa... ALREADY!?
Can't we start her off with something a bit tamer? Like Big Lots or the 99 cents store?

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Obligatory Texas Wildflower Picture

One beautiful spring day during my second year as a University of Texas undergrad, a strange sight caught the corner of my eye as I barreled down IH35. Off to the right side of the road, a young couple stood motionless, staring at the grass covered hill running parallel along the highway. Their car seemed fine, they didn’t seem distressed. They just stood there, staring at the ground and pointing.

“More Texas weirdos” I mumbled to myself as I drove by…

Then a few days later, another young couple - also staring at the ground, this time with a a camera; no car wreck, smoking hood, or flat tire in site.

Luckily, this time around my travel companion happened to be a native Austinite who educated me on the Central Texas tradition of taking pictures of your new baby surrounded by Bluebonnets during the 6 to 8 week-long springtime wildflower season.

Great idea I thought, but on the side of the freeway??

Sure, the highways are gloriously abundant with swaths of blue, pink and yellow Texas wildflowers – thanks in part to the Ladybird Johnson-inspired Texas Department of Transportation’s wildflower planting program, but certainly there are safer photo-worthy locations to be found in Austin!

Luckily I found such a place. So in my unrelenting attempt to play the part of the consummate texas wannabe, here are Paisley's safely-taken-out-of-harm's-way Texas wildflower pictures:

(click for more!)