Tuesday, January 30, 2007

T-Minus 10..9..8..7..

It appears that "Baby P" might make her grand entry a bit sooner than expected...like imminently. The official due date is February 20th - which we were hoping would be an early estimate. But as per the most recent OB/GYN visit on Monday (2cm dilated, 70% effaced), our Superbowl and Valentines Day plans may have to be adjusted just a bit.

And Melissa thought she would be teaching till February 16th! HA!

So now we are on "red alert." Which means I have to:
  1. install the car seat
  2. test the car seat
  3. unpack and setup strollers
  4. pack hospital bags
  5. purchase video camera and learn proper operation
  6. research and sign up for "cord blood banking"
  7. coordinate dog care while we are gone
  8. cram about a weeks worth of work into the next two days
  9. control anxiety and stress so I can be the "level-headed one"
  10. Sleep?
Before Monday's doctor visit, i assumed that 3 weeks would be ample time for me to satisfy all our pre-baby responsibilities but now it appears item 10 on the list is no longer an option.

So stay tuned for more info...

My intention is to blog as much as I can during the pre/intra/and post labor experience - I'll even post some pictures and maybe some video of "P" as well so this should be the first and best place to come to stay up to date.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Thanks to Summer L. for tipping us off to the paparazzi hiding in our bushes. No respect for ones privacy... its sickening really.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I’m well aware of the inequity of the situation.

Melissa is hard at work, 24 hours a day, creating new life

…constantly adjusting her schedule and social calendar to ensure the safety and health of baby Abdine.

…stoically denying her sushi, medium-rare Filet Mignon and Margarita cravings because someone, somewhere wrote in some publication that those were bad things for pregnant women to consume.

And me? It’s my job to remind her of her breathing patterns during labor!

Yikes, I better find more stuff to do.

Like…blog some new "4D" Ultrasound pics that have been sitting idol in my camera since mid-December?... (man, i'm such the slacker!)